15 October 2020. The Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine will kick off our webinar series on Monday, 9 November 2020, 15:00-16:15 CET, with a seminar by NSHG-PM President Kári Stefánsson of deCODE genetics, titled, “Human diversity in the context of genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics.”
The deCODE multi-omics approach was recently used to find a gene variant that affects risk of several autoimmune disorders (see NSHG-PM news), and in this lecture Stefánsson will also discuss new multi-omics data in Alzheimer’s disease.
The webinar is open to all NSHG-PM members, but registration will be required (Reserve your spot now!).
If you are not already a member, join the Society now to access this series, receive research news, and participate in a growing community of Nordic researchers and their colleagues in related fields. If you are already a member but have not paid membership dues since the free period ended, please renew your commitment to building Nordic collaborative research for precision medicine!
Following the talk, Stefánsson will discuss the strategy of combining large sets of protein, RNA transcript, and genomic data with a panel including Paul Franks of Lund University, Mark Daly of the Institute for Molecular Medicine FIMM, Søren Brunak of the University of Copenhagen, and Ole Andreassen of the University of Oslo.

The Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine (NSHG-PM) works with stakeholders at national, regional, and global levels to: 1) establish a Nordic framework for research into the genetics of human diseases, evolution, and population history; 2) accelerate discovery of disease-influencing genes; 3) translate these findings for precision medicine to improve public health; and 4) uphold and promote the highest legal, regulatory, social, and ethical standards.
The benefits of membership for you and your research include reduced registration fees at NSHG-PM conferences, symposia, and select workshops. Equally important, you are helping to support the field as NSHG-PM works to educate and advocate for human genetics and precision medicine research in academic, policy, and public education arenas.
NSHG-PM membership runs from January to December. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, complimentary 2021 membership will be included for members who pay or join in 2020.