Our free virtual workshop, Research Response to COVID-19 in the Nordic Countries, co-organized by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, took place on 4 November 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that research preparedness and response is essential for an effective response to large-scale crises. On the one hand, the volume and speed of new research and development have been unprecedented, as has the rapid translation of research into policy and practice. At the same time, many knowledge gaps have remained unaddressed or have been closed only late.
Led by the co-chairs, NIPH's director general, Camilla Stoltenberg, and NSHG-PM's president, Kári Stefánsson of deCODE genetics, this workshop focused on the Nordic countries’ research responses and their successes as well as opportunities across basic research, epidemiology, and interventions research. Among the 20 brief presentations, overviews of the national responses to COVID-19 and some preliminary lessons were offered by speakers from each country:
Other researchers from each country provided deeper dives into specific aspects of the research response. After a panel discussion reflecting on the presentations, drawing lessons across the countries, and discussing next steps, the workshop concluded with a virtual poster session
We thank our program committee for developing a timely and exciting program and our sponsors for their support!