Nordic Papers (1 August 2021)

A curated list of scholarly publications relevant to research, policy and health care from the Nordic human genetics and precision medicine community and their collaborators.

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Distinction between the effects of parental and fetal genomes on fetal growth.
Juliusdottir T, Steinthorsdottir V, Stefansdottir L, Sveinbjornsson G, Ivarsdottir EV, Thorolfsdottir RB, Sigurdsson JK, Tragante V, Hjorleifsson KE, Helgadottir A, Frigge ML, Thorgeirsson G, Benediktsson R, Sigurdsson EL, Arnar DO, Steingrimsdottir T, Jonsdottir I, Holm H, Gudbjartsson DF, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K.
Nat Genet. 2021 Jul 19. (deCODE news release; Nature Genetics news & views)

A large genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of birth weight and length data revealed a complex pattern of inheritance affecting fetal growth. The authors combined information from the Icelandic birth registry with publicly available GWAS summary statistics from the Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium and UK Biobank studies. Most of the effect on birth weight arises through the fetal genome, while the maternal genome affects birth weight through variants that associate with glycemic traits.

Image credit: Courtesy Nature Genetics


Biweekly List (Most Recent First)

Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters, instruments, and age.
Ip HF, van der Laan CM, Krapohl EML, Brikell I, Sánchez-Mora C, Nolte IM, St Pourcain B, Bolhuis K, Palviainen T, Zafarmand H, Colodro-Conde L, Gordon S, Zayats T, Aliev F, Jiang C, Wang CA, Saunders G, Karhunen V, Hammerschlag AR, Adkins DE, Border R, Peterson RE, Prinz JA, Thiering E, Seppälä I, Vilor-Tejedor N, Ahluwalia TS, Day FR, Hottenga JJ, Allegrini AG, Rimfeld K, Chen Q, Lu Y, Martin J, Soler Artigas M, Rovira P, Bosch R, Español G, Ramos Quiroga JA, Neumann A, Ensink J, Grasby K, Morosoli JJ, Tong X, Marrington S, Middeldorp C, Scott JG, Vinkhuyzen A, Shabalin AA, Corley R, Evans LM, Sugden K, Alemany S, Sass L, Vinding R, Ruth K, Tyrrell J, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Hagenbeek FA, De Zeeuw E, Van Beijsterveldt TCEM, Larsson H, Snieder H, Verhulst FC, Amin N, Whipp AM, Korhonen T, Vuoksimaa E, Rose RJ, Uitterlinden AG, Heath AC, Madden P, Haavik J, Harris JR, Helgeland Ø, Johansson S, Knudsen GPS, Njolstad PR, Lu Q, Rodriguez A, Henders AK, Mamun A, Najman JM, Brown S, Hopfer C, Krauter K, Reynolds C, Smolen A, Stallings M, Wadsworth S, Wall TL, Silberg JL, Miller A, Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Hakulinen C, Pulkki-Råback L, Havdahl A, Magnus P, Raitakari OT, Perry JRB, Llop S, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Bønnelykke K, Bisgaard H, Sunyer J, Lehtimäki T, Arseneault L, Standl M, Heinrich J, Boden J, Pearson J, Horwood LJ, Kennedy M, Poulton R, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Hewitt J, Copeland WE, Costello EJ, Williams GM, Wray N, Järvelin MR, McGue M, Iacono W, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Whitehouse A, Pennell CE, Klump KL, Burt SA, Dick DM, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Martin NG, Medland SE, Vrijkotte T, Kaprio J, Tiemeier H, Davey Smith G, Hartman CA, Oldehinkel AJ, Casas M, Ribasés M, Lichtenstein P, Lundström S, Plomin R, Bartels M, Nivard MG, Boomsma DI.
Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Jul 30;11(1):413.

Characterization of the human ABO genotypes and their association to common inflammatory and cardiovascular disease in the UK Biobank.
Höglund J, Karlsson T, Johansson T, Ek WE, Johansson Å.
Am J Hematol. 2021 Jul 30.

Identification of pleiotropy at the gene level between psychiatric disorders and related traits.
Polushina T, Banerjee N, Giddaluru S, Bettella F, Espeseth T, Lundervold AJ, Djurovic S, Cichon S, Hoffmann P, Nöthen MM, Steen VM, Andreassen OA, Le Hellard S.
Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Jul 29;11(1):410.

Dose-dependent transcriptional effects of lithium and adverse effect burden in a psychiatric cohort.
Krull F, Akkouh I, Hughes T, Bettella F, Athanasiu L, Smeland OB, O'Connell KS, Brattbakk HR, Steen VM, Steen NE, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA.
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2021 Jul 25:110408.

Metabolomics analysis for diagnosis and biomarker discovery of transthyretin amyloidosis.
Olsson M, Hellman U, Wixner J, Anan I.
Amyloid. 2021 Jul 28:1-9.

Hyperglycaemia-associated Caspase-3 predicts diabetes and coronary artery disease events.
Sun J, Singh P, Österlund J, Orho-Melander M, Melander O, Engström G, Edsfeldt A.

J Intern Med. 2021 Jul 26.

Cancer Predisposition Sequencing Reporter (CPSR): a flexible variant report engine for high-throughput germline screening in cancer.
Nakken S, Saveliev V, Hofmann O, Møller P, Myklebost O, Hovig E.
Int J Cancer. 2021 Jul 26.

Identification of 22 susceptibility loci associated with testicular germ cell tumors.
Pluta J, Pyle LC, Nead KT, Wilf R, Li M, Mitra N, Weathers B, D'Andrea K, Almstrup K, Anson-Cartwright L, Benitez J, Brown CD, Chanock S, Chen C, Cortessis VK, Ferlin A, Foresta C, Gamulin M, Gietema JA, Grasso C, Greene MH, Grotmol T, Hamilton RJ, Haugen TB, Hauser R, Hildebrandt MAT, Johnson ME, Karlsson R, Kiemeney LA, Lessel D, Lothe RA, Loud JT, Loveday C, Martin-Gimeno P, Meijer C, Nsengimana J, Quinn DI, Rafnar T, Ramdas S, Richiardi L, Skotheim RI, Stefansson K, Turnbull C, Vaughn DJ, Wiklund F, Wu X, Yang D, Zheng T, Wells AD, Grant SFA, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Schwartz SM, Bishop DT, McGlynn KA, Kanetsky PA, Nathanson KL; Testicular Cancer Consortium.
Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 23;12(1):4487.

Extensive bidirectional genetic overlap between bipolar disorder and cardiovascular disease phenotypes.
Rødevand L, Bahrami S, Frei O, Chu Y, Shadrin A, O'Connell KS, Smeland OB, Elvsåshagen T, Hindley GFL, Djurovic S, Dale AM, Lagerberg TV, Steen NE, Andreassen OA.
Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Jul 23;11(1):407.

Genetically predicted insulin-like growth factor-I in relation to muscle mass and strength.
Yuan S, Larsson SC.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2021 Jul 22.

Genetic risk for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia predicts structure and function of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
Abé C, Petrovic P, Ossler W, Thompson WH, Liberg B, Song J, Bergen SE, Sellgren CM, Fransson P, Ingvar M, Landén M.
J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2021 Jul 22;46(4):E441-E450.

Large-scale collaboration in ENIGMA-EEG: A perspective on the meta-analytic approach to link neurological and psychiatric liability genes to electrophysiological brain activity.
Smit DJA, Andreassen OA, Boomsma DI, Burwell SJ, Chorlian DB, de Geus EJC, Elvsåshagen T, Gordon RL, Harper J, Hegerl U, Hensch T, Iacono WG, Jawinski P, Jönsson EG, Luykx JJ, Magne CL, Malone SM, Medland SE, Meyers JL, Moberget T, Porjesz B, Sander C, Sisodiya SM, Thompson PM, van Beijsterveldt CEM, van Dellen E, Via M, Wright MJ.
Brain Behav. 2021 Jul 21:e02188.

Contribution of rare genetic variation to disease susceptibility in a large Scandinavian myositis cohort.
Bianchi M, Kozyrev SV, Notarnicola A, Hultin Rosenberg L, Karlsson Å, Pucholt P, Rothwell S, Alexsson A, Sandling JK, Andersson H, Cooper RG, Padyukov L, Tjärnlund A, Dastmalchi M; ImmunoArray Development Consortium, The DISSECT consortium, Meadows JRS, Pyndt Diederichsen L, Molberg Ø, Chinoy H, Lamb J, Rönnblom L, Lindblad-Toh K, Lundberg IE.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021 Jul 19.

Genomic insights into myasthenia gravis identify distinct immunological mechanisms in early and late onset disease.
Handunnetthi L, Knezevic B, Kasela S, Burnham KL, Milani L, Irani SR, Fang H, Knight JC.
Ann Neurol. 2021 Jul 19.

Dissecting the shared genetic basis of migraine and mental disorders using novel statistical tools.
Bahrami S, Hindley G, Winsvold BS, O'Connell KS, Frei O, Shadrin A, Cheng W, Bettella F, Rødevand L, Odegaard KJ, Fan CC, Pirinen MJ, Hautakangas HM, Headache HA, Dale AM, Djurovic S, Smeland OB, Andreassen OA.
Brain. 2021 Jul 17:awab267.

Optimal Linkage Disequilibrium Splitting.
Privé F.
Bioinformatics. 2021 Jul 14:btab519.

Improved genetic prediction of complex traits from individual-level data or summary statistics.
Zhang Q, Privé F, Vilhjálmsson B, Speed D.
Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 7;12(1):4192.

Genetic Overlap Between Alzheimer's Disease and Depression Mapped Onto the Brain.
Monereo-Sánchez J, Schram MT, Frei O, O'Connell K, Shadrin AA, Smeland OB, Westlye LT, Andreassen OA, Kaufmann T, Linden DEJ, van der Meer D.
Front Neurosci. 2021 Jul 5;15:653130.

Novel Reclassification of Adult Diabetes Is Useful to Distinguish Stages of β-Cell Function Linked to the Risk of Vascular Complications: The DOLCE Study From Northern Ukraine.
Fedotkina O, Sulaieva O, Ozgumus T, Cherviakova L, Khalimon N, Svietleisha T, Buldenko T, Ahlqvist E, Asplund O, Groop L, Nilsson PM, Lyssenko V.
Front Genet. 2021 Jul 2;12:637945.